"Know the peace that comes from providing for yourself and your family in case of emergency or financial difficulty."

Extending Shelf Life of Stored Food

It is important to keep food away from humidity, air, light and high temperatures. (Think HALT to help you remember). Of these, high temperatures are the most destructive to the quality of food.

When you have a choice, avoid storing food in clear plastic containers which diminishes nutrition and quality of food with exposure to light. In humid climates, transfer food in #10 cans to ziplock or other closeable bags and return it to the cans for further protection.

New News about Storing Mayonnaise

The Association of Dressing and Sauces, representing a large number of major US companies, says “more than 60 years of research has proven that commercially prepared mayonnaise does not cause foodbourne illness.” Strict standards are used in creating commercial mayonnaise and mayonnaise-type salad dressings using pasteurized eggs and a careful balance vinegar, lemon juice and salt, which slows and even stops the growth of bacteria. Foods added to mayonnaise, like chicken, ham or potatoes, are the cause of bacterial growth in dishes. See www.dressings-sauces.org/mayonnaise.html .

Page 2 of the pamphlet “Make Mine Mayonnaise,” located on this website, states in the Q&A section that commercial mayonnaise and mayonnaise-type dressings are safe to store at room temperature after they are opened. Labels suggest refrigerating these foods after opening only to ensure high quality and freshness.

This means that in an emergency without electricity, continued use of commercial mayonnaise and mayonnaise-type dressings is a safe possibility. If you decide to do this, consider purchasing these products packaged in squeeze bottles for extra safety, minimizing introduction of bacteria into the contents as they are used. Store these products in the coolest, darkest place possible.

Storing Oil and Dressings

The shelf life of oil and dressings is around 1-2 years. Maximize shelf life of these foods by storing them in a cool place away from light, even in a paper bag, if necessary.

The majority of oil stored will be used to make bread. It should be rotated as often as you are able. Replace rancid stores with new oil, which is relatively inexpensive. Rancid oil is dangerous to eat and should always be thrown out.

Storing Lecithin

Lecithin can be stored for use in making bread in place of oil. This has a longer shelf life than oil, however, it is harder to find and is more expensive.